Tuesday, September 29, 2009

First Bit of Hard Work on the Land

The new 5lb mallet is put to good use along with the jemmy bar. Here am I on a beautiful Wairarapa spring day earlier this month, down to my thermal vest and starting a suntan, jemmying off the fence palings at our proposed new entrance.

The ground has dried out a lot, and we have been up with our three 8 metre tape measures and measured out the house and hammered in corner pegs after multiple checks that we are far enough back from the boundary fence to satisfy the Council. We have met with 5 driveway contractors and learned heaps about fill and lime chip; selected one for the job, and we are removing the fence palings in order to both save money and hopefully, with care, salvage most of the palings. (We did split the odd one or two). We leave the hard work of removing the posts to the contractor.

Things are starting to move. At this stage, we were advised because of weather hold-ups, the house would probably not move up until the end of September.

The willow trees are starting to green up. The ground has dried up somewhat, but there are still some areas of surface water. Note, the little building still on the land. Quite a fascinating little structure - the whole length of the roof is a hinge, and apparently it all folds up flat and is transported on the back of a truck.

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